Poop! health & environment

Points to ponder

Color and consistency may indicate an underlying problem. Learn more, read whole article.

Large accumulated quantities of poop, left laying around, tends to make animals and people sick. Regardless of which creature produces it, dogs, cats, geese, livestock, humans, etc, poop needs to be cleaned up and managed.

A single gram of dog feces can contain 23 million fecal coliform bacteria, which are known to cause cramps, diarrhea, intestinal illness, and serious kidney disorders in humans. Children, puppies, and kittens are most susceptible to pet-borne illnesses because they have weaker immune systems than adults. Dog feces can carry any of the following: * Heartworms * Whipworms * Hookworms * Roundworms * Tapeworms * Parvo * Corona * Giardiasis * Salmonellosis * Cryptosporidiosis * --(source)

HUMAN fecal matter can carry nasty critters too. Happily indoor plumbing and sewage treatment plants have greatly reduced human illness due to fecal born disease.
Read about Coliform bacteria - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coliform_bacteria
Read about Typhoid fever - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typhoid_fever

St. Louis City Ordinance 66384 -- http://www.slpl.lib.mo.us/cco/ords/data/ord6384.htm
10.04.310 Feces removal—Required.
It shall be the duty of every dog owner/guardian, defined and identified under the provision of Sections 10.04.010 et al. of the Revised Code of the City and the applicable provisions of Ordinance 57980 of the City of St. Louis, 1980, to remove any feces left by said dog on any sidewalk, gutter, street, park or other public area, or on any private property used by said dog for depositing any feces, if the same is done in the presence of the owner/guardian of said dog, or in the presence of any person exercising control over said dog at the time of said offense.

40% of all Americans don’t pick up their dog’s poop at all! With that said, women are more likely to clean up the mess than men. Based on research done by DoodyCalls.com

Dog waste composters. Reduce poo pollution

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that two or three days worth of droppings from a population of about 100 dogs would contribute enough bacteria to temporarily close a bay, and all watershed areas within 20 miles of it, to swimming and shellfishing.

How does dog poop harm waterways?
A) The harmful bacteria it contains pollutes the water and may cause dysentery or even cholera if accidentally ingested.
B) Pet waste is rich in nutrients. The nutrients act as fertilizers and cause algae to grow rapidly. Algae blooms result in large fish kills when they die, because the process of decay removes all oxygen from the water. This is devastating to aquatic life.
C) Dog poop left on your lawn can wash into storm drains and flow into creeks, streams, and rivers.
D) All of the above.
-- ANSWER: D (source: http://yuckos.com/waterhealth/water.html)

What is a good way to dispose of my dog’s poop? (choose any 3)
A) Throw it down the storm drain.
B) Flush your dog’s poop down the toilet (without the bag, of course).
C) Tie the waste in a plastic bag and drop it in your garbage can.
D) Check with your local officials for specific regulations.
-- ANSWER: B, C, and D. If waste is flushed down the toilet, it will be treated by the sewage treatment plant. Waste that is bagged and knotted will end up in a landfill or incinerated to produce power. Landfills are legally required to ensure that any seepage from waste is treated before it enters the environment. You should always double-check with local authorities on how to dispose properly of your pet’s waste.

Dog poop is a major food source for which animal?
A) Deer.
B) Possums.
C) Skunk.
D) Rats.
-- ANSWER: D. Dog waste is a food source for RATS. If your community has a rat problem, check to see if it also has a dog poop problem. Send notices to residents encouraging them to pick up after their pets. Consider installing pet waste stations.

Additional poop reading -- http://www.poopbutler.com/pooper-scooper-health.htm