Saint Louis All Dogs is a STL area dog walking CLUB.
Membership Levels:
Active members can help plan, create and attend club walks or events. Active members can bring dogs to club events, AFTER they have added those dogs to their account and sent in proof of vaccination for each dog. Active members pay annual dues. Active members have additional log-in access and permissions on the clubhouse.
Associate membership was designed for dog-related entities who want to promote their dog-related information on the STLAD public Notices: dog stuff LIST. Associate account holders website access is limited to adding Notices to the public list and their Record to the Directory as needed, viewing some content, being able to post Suggestions, adding comments and replys. Associates do not pay club dues, attend club events or bring dogs to club events.
Membership requirements:
Profile. Fill out the club membership request/website profile form and select either Associate or Active.
Dogs. If you plan to be an Active Member and bring your dogs to club events, you'll be asked to provide a few details about each dog that will be attending by filling out the Dog form. Your dogs become part of your active account. (applies to Active membership only)
Vaccinations. BEFORE YOU BRING you dogs to club events, send in proof of current Rabies and Distemper vaccinations, Bordetella if given. (applies to Active membership only)
Dues. After you are accepted into the club, you have 30 days to pay the $10 annual dues. Check or PayPal accepted. (applies to Active membership only)