About us

Saint Louis All Dogs exists so that our members...

can cooperatively exercise and socialize their dogs by creating and participating in dog activities that interest them; mostly dog walks. Members rely on each other to monitor and manage their dogs at each club event.

Dogs that have various outlets for their energy are usually happier, healthier, better socialized and mannered. Dog walking and dog socialization groups have become a popular option for owners. Our doggie members range from shy to outgoing, young to old, mixed to pure breed, small to very large sized.

Club members work collaboratively to achieve goals; such as planning and hosting walks or hikes. On occasion other activites too such as, doggie playtimes, day trips, camping trips, playdates. Or social events such as yard parties, holiday parties, attend fundraisers. Learning opportunities: seminars, classes (for the humans) courses with dog trainers and training clubs (for dog and owner). Human members live all over the STL Metro and surrounding suburbs.

Event locations vary. Walk lengths vary too, ranging from a mile up to three and four miles. Event variety and frequency is based on the available time and skills of individual members and the weather.

We promote dog activities offered by other groups on our public notices list.  Contact us if you have a place, facility, activities, events, shows, sport, training, seminar, place or park that might interest our members. Or JOIN as an Associate or Active member and add your notices to the public service list.